Veritas | Youth Group for Grades 7 to 12

What is Veritas? The word Veritas means “truth” in Latin. In John 8:31b-32, Jesus says, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free”. (NRSV) In this passage, the word used for “truth” is Jesus himself.

At Westminster, if you hear someone say they are “going to Veritas”, it means they are coming to youth group. At Veritas, the evening begins at 5:30 with dinner in Fellowship Hall, followed by games in the WROC. The rest of our evening is spent in worship and prayer, followed by small group discussions about what it means to be a follower of Jesus in our world today. Veritas is open to all students in grades 7-12. For more information, please contact Laura Ecklin. Annual registration is required.

Annual registration is required and the form can be found here:


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Learning about God in church is great, but it’s even greater while walking through the woods or going down a water slide. Check out our events page to see what we’re up to this time!


The next confirmation class will begin in spring 2025. Please contact Laura Ecklin for more information.


Laura Ecklin, Youth Ministry and Administrative Manager

Harrison Burgess, Associate Director of Youth Ministry

Wednesdays @ Westminster