Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by God’s power at work within us; glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus for all generations, forever and always. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

On January 6 the Session received news of the Reverend Dr. Jo Forrest’s desire to retire in the Spring of 2026. Planning this far in advance will ensure Westminster’s ongoing growth and stability.

In the past, a Presbyterian church would wait until an installed pastor left before calling an interim pastor. This model works well when the prior senior pastor has served the congregation for a long period of time, when the financial structure or membership rolls need to be refreshed, or ministry programs improved.

None of these conditions exist at Westminster.

Since calling Dr. Forrest, Westminster continued the courageous work to realign financial practices, established a sound foundation, and increased controls and transparency. Each successive year earned fiscal and operational health.

During the same time, Westminster launched new ministry programs, offered new forms of hands-on service, and evolved worship, education, and fellowship. New members joined and programs continue to strengthen with new participants.

To guard against any natural paralysis from ministry gaps or excessive transition, with the support of the Reverend Jessica McClure Archer, General Minister of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, the Session voted for the congregation to call and install its senior pastor. The following describes the process Westminster will employ to call a Pastor Nominating Committee and be positioned to vote to approve a candidate by spring of 2026 or sooner.

Phases of Transition

  • In collaboration with the General Minister of Pittsburgh Presbytery, Session receiveds news of the Reverend Dr. Jo Forrest’s plans to retire in the spring of 2026. Completed: January 6, 2025
  • The Session began the process to call an installed pastor, through a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), to succeed Dr. Forrest upon her retirement. Completed January 6, 2025
  • The congregation was advised of the transition plan. Completed: January 7, 2025
  • The Congregation is invited to submit names to the Nominating Committee. In Process
  • The Nominating Committee meets to consider names provided as candidates for the PNC. Scheduled: February 6, 2025
  • The Session calls a Congregational Meeting to approve the slate of candidates presented by the Nominating Committee and to elect a PNC.
  • With the support of the General Minister from the Pittsburgh Presbytery, the PNC defines the phases and tasks to call a pastor.
  • The PNC reviews research studies completed by the congregation in the past five years.
  • The PNC holds a series of meetings with the congregation to listen to their hopes for a future minister.
  • PNC creates the Ministry Discernment Profile (position description and job posting information), reviews with the General Minister, and submits to the Session for approval.
  • PNC promotes position opening through appropriate media and seminaries, and actively recruits for candidates names.
  • PNC evaluates Personal Discernment Profiles (applications/resumes) along with digital presence to identify top candidates.
  • PNC interviews, conducts background checks, and welcomes candidates for site visits.
  • PNC selects the final candidate and secures background checks and Pittsburgh Presbytery’s review and approval.
  • PNC advises the Session of a final candidate.
  • The Session calls a congregational meeting on the same morning as the worship service in which the candidate preaches.
  • With the guidance of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, the congregation receives the report of the PNC and votes.
  • Congregation votes to dissolve the call with Jo Forrest.
  • Transition team created and mobilized to welcome called pastor to Westminster.