One Hit Wonders

Event details

  • Wednesday | January 29, 2025
  • 06:30 PM -
  • Fellowship Hall
  • 412-835-6630

Westminster is hosting a new series called One Hit Wonders. Implied in the name, each topic will be contained to one evening. We hope you will hit it off (pun intended) with other participants around the topic. And we will wonder together, emphasizing wonder since these topics never lend themselves to easy answers.

Come and enjoy a meal, get the kids settled into their respective groups, and meet us in Fellowship Hall at 6:30. Contact Jo Forrest.

January 29, 2025 - When Hospitality and Loneliness Sit in the Same Pew
Facilitator: Claire Thornburgh
In his bestseller, Unreasonable Hospitality, Will Guidara writes about the remarkable power of giving people more than they expect. In a 2023 essay, the outgoing (former) US Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, stated that about one out of every two Americans is experiencing measurable levels of loneliness. As followers of Christ and members and friends of Westminster, come and explore what it might look like if hospitality and loneliness sat in the same pew and how we can deliver unreasonable hospitality.