LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together) Book Group

Event details

  • Thursday | March 6, 2025
  • 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Memorial Parlor

Thursdays, March 6 - April 17

LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together) is an intentionally intergenerational group of women studying different texts and sharing the laughs and lows of life together.

During Lent we will gather to discuss our weekly reflections through the Sanctified Art devotional. This devotional follows Jesus through Luke's Gospel. Each week offers commentary, poetry, visual art, hymns, and reflection prompts. We encourage you to walk through these weekly readings at your own pace throughout the season, following the rhythm that works best for you. The devotional follows the sermon schedule, so you will hear mirrored content on Sunday mornings through your reading and in our discussions.

All are invited and welcome to join, even if you are behind on reading. Contact Kristy Berrott.