We show our love for God by serving those in need within our community and throughout the world. We volunteer to help others, to experience new things, to meet new people and develop relationships.

We always welcome volunteers to: usher, sing in the choir, help with food and hospitality, or help with children and youth programs. Do what you are good at and what you love to do. To learn more and to find the opportunity that fulfills your need for involvement and commitment, please contact the church office at 412-835-6630.

In Our Church


Come be a welcoming face in the office as a receptionist! Greet people, answer the phone, and support our wonderful staff. We are looking for three-hour shifts:
• 9:00 a.m. to noon
• noon to 3:00 p.m.

Volunteer regularly according to your schedule or fill in, as needed. Both regular and substitute positions are available. Complete training is provided.

Contact Sue Boreman at [email protected] or 412-370-3302 or Emily Shubilla at [email protected] or 724-984-8202.

In Our Community

Meals on Wheels Easter Egg Decorating/Pizza Party

Easter Egg Dying/Pizza Party
Meals on Wheels @ The Crossroads needs our help.

Wednesday, April 16
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Fellowship Hall Kitchen

Please join us for a fun evening of pizza, fellowship, and egg decorating. We will send the eggs to Meals on Wheels @ The Crossroads. This event is a great opportunity to meet others in the church community while also serving others. All materials will be provided. We hope to see you there!

Contact Emily Shubilla at 412-835-6630x205.

QuicKit Mission Project

Support Bags for Those Experiencing Homelessness

Have you ever come across a homeless individual in need and not had any way to help?

QuicKits are bags, designed by the youth of Westminster, filled with essential items like deoderant, water, a toothbrush, and more, put together in a reusable bag.

Fully assembled kits are available to you in the Narthex. Take one to keep in your car to hand out when you cross paths with someone in need. We hope to keep the project running so we also ask that you consider replenishing the bin with fully completed kits for others to pass out.

More information on the project and what is included in the bags can be found in our YouTube video below.

QuicKits Update January 25:
• 100 additional QuicKits - Thank you to the volunteers who stayed after worship last Sunday to put together 100 QuicKits to replenish our supply.
• 400 QuicKits already distributed - To date you have distributed 400 QuicKits in our community.
• Share your experience - If you have given a QuicKits to someone in need, please tell me about your experience, one sentence or more. I would like to capture and share our QuicKit stories with one another.
• What are they? QuicKits are reusable, drawstring, waterproof bags filled with personal hygiene items, socks, hand warmers (this time of year), and a granola bar. When you encounter someone experiencing homelessness or in need as you navigate your day, a QuicKit can be a way to respond to a request for help. The next time you are at church, you can grab a couple of bags to keep in your car when the opportunity presents itself to reach out.