W. Don McClure Lectures and World Mission Initiative, Continuing Education, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Wednesdays: October 7, 14, 21, 28
7:30 p.m.
Free; registration required
In this time of racial unrest, it is important for people of faith to know what we are called to be and where we are called to stand. We need to learn how to talk to one another and to those outside our faith community. Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, through the McClure Lecture Series and World Mission Initiative, promises to give us tools to engage in truthful conversation on the way our understanding of race influences our mission in the world.
October 7 – Unlearning the Habits of Slaveholder Religion: Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
October 14 – Crossing Cultures, Building Bridges: Brenda Salter McNeil
October 21 – Where Do We Go from Here? Salter McNeil and Wilson-Hartgrove
October 28 – Keys for Allies to Use Their Superpowers: Vulnerability and Compassion in Anti-Racism Effectiveness: David Campt
The event is free but requires registration. Register and learn more about the program and the speakers at www.pts.edu/wmi-conference.
Westminster Follow-up Conversation
Thursday, October 29
7:30 p.m. via Zoom
On October 29, Westminster will host a Zoom conversation for those who participated in the series. You are invited to submit questions and comments following each session to Barbara Marsh, who will gather these for our October 29 conversation and provide connecting details to those who request them.