October 4, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Westminster’s front portico and roadside area
Masks and social distancing required
Today’s news can give us whiplash…one story shows crowds of people, black and brown and white, young and old, filling the streets with artwork and singing and calls for racial justice. The next story shows looting and burning and tearing down and even shooting. We are torn apart by watching all of this. We all know there are racial injustices, going down deep and going back far. And they rise to the surface in sometimes ugly ways. But sometimes there are beautiful responses, as in the recently celebrated life of Congressman John Lewis. Westminster also has deep roots in this struggle going back to our founding pastor, Dr. John Galbreath, joining the march in Selma, Alabama, in the 1965 fight for voting rights. Today the participants are new, but the issue is ancient: how we treat our brothers and sisters, particularly those of color. But also today the issue has become politicized, perhaps beyond repair. We are trying to decide where to stand. And into this steps Jesus, with his great call to justice:
“The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to bring release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” – Luke 4:18-19
What do these words have to do with racism as we are experiencing it today? How do they call us to change? Come and hear these words in a new way, as a call to commitment to racial justice. Hear stories, old and new, of Westminster engaged in work to reach across racial lines. Find out how you can get engaged. Make a promise to do one new thing to end racism. Sign the poster that we will hang in our church. And do all this as a faith witness under a banner inspired by the words of Micah, to “Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly: End Racism.”
So join us as we gather for this time of praying and singing, remembrance and commitment to action. We’ll gather at 4:30 p.m. on the lawn and sidewalk in front of the church There will be special materials to help share these ideas with children. This could be a great way to introduce a neighbor to Westminster, so bring a friend. We’ll be wearing masks and observing social distancing. And we’ll be outside, so we hope for a beautiful fall day. We don’t have a rain date – if it looks like rain, bring an umbrella. Please join us for this exciting new step in working for justice. Read more event details here.
Sponsored by Westminster Peace and Justice