October 11 – October 18
Each year the Deacons collect donations for our troops stationed in the USA and overseas. This year, our drive was set to begin in March and then COVID-19 halted our efforts. We are happy to report that we have reorganized and are continuing with our collection for Operation Troop Appreciation.
During this pandemic, it is apparent that we all want to find safe ways to connect with our community and give back. Giving to our troops, who need supplies now more than ever, is a way to do that. We hope you will join us for a drive-by collection of donations on Sunday, October 11, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Look for the smiling faces of your Deacons outside of the north entry to the church. Stop by to drop off your donations and say hello! If you are unable to make it for the donation drive-by, camouflage collection boxes will be stationed outside under the breezeway at the church office entrance from October 11 through October 18.
Operation Troop Appreciation (OTA) is in need of the following items: individual serving packets of nuts, trail mix, granola bars, cookies, chips, and pretzels; men’s and women’s triple-blade razors; body wash, body lotion, lip balm, sunscreen, athletic socks, and thermal socks. There is no size or weight restriction on these items.
OTA is a local organization dedicated to the active and veteran members of our Armed Forces by providing them with items that contribute to their morale and well-being. All donations are used for OTA’s active-duty “Wish-List” and veteran “Welcome Home Programs.” Please email Tricia Eccher with questions. We hope to see you on Sunday, October 11.