Bruce Lancaster came to us in a blizzard, but he took the job anyway.
During his time in Pittsburgh he encountered many new experiences: a pandemic, closing the church for worship, communion in the courtyard, conducting session meetings on Zoom. Through all of this, Bruce quickly got to know the friendly people of Westminster Church who opened their hearts to him. He led the congregation with smooth grace and southern charm as he preached the gospel of Jesus Christ giving sermons that both inspired and challenged.
His sense of humor remained intact. “Have you heard the one about the man who invited his neighbor to help him with his jigsaw puzzle with the picture of a rooster? The neighbor came, looked, surveying all the pieces. Sorry I don’t think I can put this together. Well then, I guess we will have to put the pieces back in the corn flakes box!”
As the interim senior pastor, Bruce attended to the outstanding financial issues at the church, met faithfully with the elders, created a task force to address the pandemic, and warmly greeted members on Sunday mornings as he prepared us for the new pastor, who is coming in January. He said, “I am working for the pastor who comes after me!”
He was kind to the staff. At one staff meeting Bruce made his famous gumbo, served along with King cake for Fat Tuesday – delicious! Absolutely, the best homemade food we have ever had at a staff meeting.
Thank you, Bruce, for showing us the way forward in a turbulent time. Your calm demeanor and wise counsel was a gift from God to us.
We hear a rumor you plan to retire from ministry once you leave Westminster Church. If so, we pray you and Cathi will enjoy the years ahead knowing you have served the people of God. Well done, good and faithful servant.
Your grateful colleague,
Bruce Lancaster's final Sunday at Westminster is Sunday, December 13.