My Friends,
Anticipation: God gave us the ability to anticipate, to look forward to something,
to expect, to wait for, to hope for.
Anticipation is synonymous with Advent.
Advent is the season in which we anticipate
the birth of Jesus,
looking forward, expecting, waiting, hoping.
“To anticipate,” says Stanley Ott, “is to have a reason
to set your heart on the future.”
It’s easy to have a negative kind of anticipation.
Maybe you’ve seen that book which
lists all sorts of things for a “Worst Case Scenario.”
We let our minds settle on the fear and anxiety,
apprehensive about the future.
We feel empty, depleted, hopeless.
God created us to anticipate,
to look forward for God who said,
“I make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5)
God gives us the reason to have hope,
to be filled with power of God’s future.
That is the “good news of great joy”
we celebrate at Christmas.
As we come to the end of 2020
and look to the beginning of 2021,
what are you setting your heart on?
For me, I anticipate being home in Athens, Georgia.
For WPC, there is the anticipation of a new pastor, Jo Forrest.
For you, anticipation of something that leaves you empty?
Of course not!
We look to the positive future God promises:
The birth of Jesus…blessings for your family…
Comfort and joy…strength for the living of these days.
More than wishing you a simple “Merry Christmas,”
I add a prayer of a “Hope-filled” Advent
as you set your heart on the future God has for you.
Thanks and blessings,
Bruce Lancaster