On Christmas Eve and throughout the season of Christmas, we give thanks that, in the fullness of time, God’s Word became flesh to live among us, full of grace and truth. We proclaim this good news of great joy for all people: that God has sent us a Savior, the Messiah, the Lord, the Babe in the Manger!
Christmas Eve Live!
5:00 p.m. front portico
Christmas Eve Live! happens outside, in front of the church, for a time of singing Christmas carols, hearing the story, lighting candles, and singing "Silent Night" together. Dress for the weather as you will want to check out the living Nativity too!
We ask that all attendees wear masks and stay socially distant from other families.
Christmas Eve Worship Online
on YouTube
Traditional worship and Bridge Contemporary worship will both be pre-recorded and available below for you to watch from the comfort of your home.
7:00 p.m. Contemporary
8:00 p.m. Traditional
Children's Storytime on Christmas Eve
on Facebook
Children's & Family Ministry Director Natalie Brown will share a Christmas storytime on Facebook for families. Watch the website and weekly email for details about timing and links to Facebook.