Think of those places you felt a rush of wind. The beach. Between the canyons of buildings on a city sidewalk. Frigid nights at PNC Park.
I’m not referring to the time the wind merely refreshed the stale air. Remember the time you felt humbled, the wind ruffled your feathers with discomfort, or plain knocked you off your feet.
Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, he breathed on his followers. In that fiery spirit, many of his followers experienced those emotions to an even greater magnitude.
What we know to be true: the spirit of Pentecost changed the world.
Some might say, God changed the world by entering human history as Jesus, forever resetting our time from before to after. And Easter’s empty tomb that sent the disciples running with awe.
Pentecost changed the world by gifting each of us with the spirit to be Christ’s hands and feet. This same spirit of Pentecost still sends us out to be his church.
We see the spirit moving through you at Westminster. Sometimes unsettling. Always creative. Blowing open the doors to new people.
Will you give yourself over to this spirit? To become what God intends?
Scripture tells us that despite this milestone event some people doubted. They missed out.
Linger over the stories in these pages. Wonder about the ways the spirit nudges you to be a part of this new birth. Forget about doubt. Instead, let yourself be blown away.