Some of my favorite stories in scripture are those when the Spirit is working in separate places, at the same time, for the same cause. There are a handful of these stories, but the one that always stands out to me is in Acts chapter nine. It’s the story of Saul (who will become the writer of so much of our New Testament, named Paul) and his conversion. Saul, a notorious leader well-known for his work in snuffing out Jesus’ followers, suddenly has a vision of the Lord and is struck blind. At that same time, Ananias, a follower of Jesus’ way, has a separate vision of the Lord. Ananias, who knows all about Saul and the path of death and imprisonment in his wake, is called to go and meet with the very man he fears. Saul needs Ananias, and Ananias is called to meet him. Unexpected, daunting, and confusing: neither man knows what to expect, but they both know that the Spirit is at work.
That’s been my sense around here, recently. You’ve heard me say this before, but I’m going to keep on saying it: The Spirit is doing something. I’ve been a part of enough conversations in which completely unrelated people are sensing the same need, and working to meet it. I’ve heard your stories of growth and transformation. I’ve spent mornings with people who have a need, and afternoons with people hard at work to meet needs they didn’t even know existed. The Spirit is working in multiple places, at the same time, for the same purpose.
I don’t want to be too hasty about any of this, but the picture is becoming increasingly clear to me as I’ve paid closer attention. It’s about connection and community. I think that’s what I see growing. So many of us are feeling the need, and there are leaders all around us stepping up to fill it – all because of the work of the Spirit.
There’s a deeply important note, here. The growth, connection, and vitality of this community has extremely little to do with these leaders who are rising up. 1 Corinthians 3:7 tells us that it is “only God who makes things grow.” Again, I say: The Spirit is doing something.
This church is alive because of the work that God is doing and the life that Jesus has given us. Keep your eyes and your hearts open, my friends. If you sense that the Spirit might be calling you in a particular direction, there might just be a person who needs you on the other end of that call.
If you’ve felt a nudge, I’d love to hear about it.