The best words to describe the current energy in the Youth Ministry are vibrant, exciting, serving, and high impact.
The youth recently completed a mission trip to urban Charlotte, NC, where they performed a variety of tasks to benefit various parts of the community.
In addition, the Social Justice League has been meeting to discuss topics such as diversity, inclusion, and fairness. They recently traveled to the Hot Metal Bridge Church to prepare and serve meals to people experiencing food shortage.
Veritas and JAM both resumed in late August and the Youth Wing is again filled with faithful excitement and enthusiasm.
The energy that radiates from these activities is contagious. The Youth Ministry at Westminster is open and welcoming to all.
The Youth Commission is planning the second round of the Teen and Parent Mental Health Speaker Series. The first series of speakers dealt with a range of topics including dealing with stress and expectations, understanding and welcoming the LGBTQ community, depression and suicide. Attendees included both members of the Westminster congregation as well as members of the surrounding community. The discussions that resulted from these speakers provided a safe, welcoming environment for difficult conversations.
Our Youth Ministry leaders have created an environment of acceptance and belonging where our young people can be free and feel safe to be themselves in an encouraging and non-judgmental atmosphere.