Westminster Nursery School opened its doors in the fall of 1958 when Westminster Presbyterian Church recognized the need for a community preschool. The program grew in January of 1983 when the Child Development Center opened. Today both programs make up what is known as Westminster Early Childhood Education Program (WECEP). At WECEP we see each student and his/her family as an important part of the Westminster legacy.
A parent of an alumni from 1995 recently shared her family’s experience at WECEP with me. The family had moved to Pittsburgh in June and were searching for the right place for their youngest son who had missed the cutoff for kindergarten in the public school. They enrolled him in the T class at WECEP, and he had a wonderful year that gave him a real sense of belonging. This was so important because everything was new to the family: church, home, work, etc. The mother believes that the community at WECEP laid a strong foundation for making the step to public school easier for her son.
WECEP’s mission is to create and maintain an educational community which provides the highest quality early childhood learning experiences in a safe, nurturing, and creative environment that is based on a Christian foundation.
We welcome you and your family to work together with us to help build a strong future for the children and families of our community.