So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.
Westminster has been an important part of my life since I was 12 years old.
As a charter member, and part of a charter family, volunteering was something important to my family. IT MADE SENSE.
I remember fondly my mother and dad, sitting in our living room, discussing the vision of a new church in Upper St. Clair with our founding pastor, John Galbreath.
As we look at the church building today, it is beautiful and functional, but it is the staff and volunteers that make this church vibrant.
A quote I remember from John Galbreath is “Find a need? Fill it!” The first need I remember filling was when I was almost 12 and we were attending a very early service at the Clifton School. An usher was needed; I volunteered and continued ushering for over 70 years.
Through the years our family has found numerous other rewarding ways to be involved. My mother taught Sunday school, helped to found the Women’s Federation, etc. And Westminster participated in sponsoring a Hungarian refugee family, which became a continuing friendship, especially through my sister.
It has always been a blessing to be surrounded by people with common visions for the church as we worked together as ushers, Sunday school teachers, 25th and 50th anniversary teams, deacons, and – most recently – the Thursday Gang, our congenial in-house maintenance team that is very beneficial to Westminster.
How could I ever imagine how fast 77 years would pass? I do know that volunteering at Westminster has been rewarding and fulfilling beyond my imagination.
VOLUNTEER: There are opportunities for everyone to belong to the body, to be a part of this church family. If you would like to learn more about how to connect, contact Jan Baumann by email, [email protected], or call/text 412-559-1034. God has a plan for
your life.