One Hit Wonders

Event details

  • Wednesday | February 19, 2025
  • 06:30 PM -
  • Fellowship Hall
  • 412-835-6630

Implied in the name, One Hit Wonders, each topic will be contained to one evening. We hope you will hit it off (pun intended) with other participants around the topic. And we will wonder together, emphasizing wonder since these topics never lend themselves to easy answers.

Come and enjoy a meal, get the kids settled into their respective groups, and meet us in Fellowship Hall at 6:30. Contact Jo Forrest.

What's [Really] Going on at the U.S./Mexico Border?
Facilitator: Richard Norris III
There is a wealth of explosive rhetoric about immigration in the United States. While on a trip to Agua Prieta as part of an Intercultural Experiential Learning class with Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Richard Norris III got a chance to contextualize that rhetoric. Agua Prieta is a town directly across the border from Douglas, AZ. There, you will find many organizations that provide resources to migrants. You might be surprised to hear what Richard found-he sure was surprised to see it himself.