One Hit Wonders

Event details

  • Wednesday | October 2, 2024
  • 06:15 PM -
  • Fellowship Hall
  • 412-835-6630x208

Meeting weekly on Wednesdays

This fall Westminster will host a new series called One Hit Wonders. Implied in the name, each topic will be contained to one evening. We hope you will hit it off (pun intended) with other participants around the topic. And we will wonder together, emphasizing wonder since these topics never lend themselves to easy answers.

Come and enjoy a meal, get the kids settled into their respective groups, and meet us in Fellowship Hall at 6:15. Contact Jo Forrest.

October 2 - Grief, A User's Manual
Facilitator: Sandy Conaway
The word “grief” sends shivers through us in the context of grieving a death. We expect ourselves to manage, hide, or “get over” it. And, yet the more we understand the transitions – good and bad – along the road of life, the more we appreciate our capacity to grieve and how we attend the feeling for ourselves and others.

October 9 - Common Ground for the Common Good
Facilitator: Laura Bentley
How can we learn to speak across differences, even in a time when political polarization can get in the way of conversation between family, friends, and neighbors? Join the discussion as we explore ways to turn down the temperature and still go beyond polite chit chat with people who think, live, and believe differently than us.