Publicity Request Form

Please use the publicity request form for submitting information to the following:

  • Sunday Bulletin
  • NEW! Deadline is 12:00 p.m. on Monday.

    Contact Bill Bingham with questions.

  • Weekly Westminster Email
  • Deadline is noon on Tuesday for that week's email.

    Anna Hiner sends a weekly email notice to members regarding upcoming Sunday worship services, mission opportunities, and prayer concerns. Event cancellations are also sent out by mass email.

  • External Publicity
  • Events may be advertised in the Almanac, local cable channels, and various news publications. Contact Anna Hiner with questions.

  • Worship Announcements
  • Please realize that only a few items can be mentioned each Sunday. Contact Jo Forrest with questions.

  • Online Registration
  • Guests are able to register for events through MyWPC. Contact Anna Hiner with questions.

If you need to reserve a room for your church event, please complete the Room Request & Setup Form

If you need to request food preparation for your church event, please complete the Food Request Form

Video Production Request Form

The incident report form is to be completed any time an emergency event occurs. Return completed forms to the church project manager.

Incident Report Form
Endowment & Special Gifts Fund
Application Form

The Westminster Presbyterian Church Endowment & Special Gifts fund was created to provide financial support for the following purposes:

  • • programs which will enable Westminster Church to expand its existing Christian ministry to its own membership and to the community at large;
  • • non-recurring capital expenditures beyond the scope of the normal operating budget; and
  • • special short-term needs to start or revitalize projects which support Westminster Church's Christian ministry.

The primary objective of the Endowment & Special Gifts fund is to support projects beyond the church budget in perpetuity. Preference will be given to proposals that meet the following criteria:

  • • New initiatives and innovative ideas;
  • • Broad-based projects that will impact a large number of people and contribute significantly to Christian spiritual growth, ministry, or mission; and
  • • Long-term impact in helping to sustain Westminster’s ministry and mission.

Any member, committee, or group of members within the church may apply for funding to support activities consistent with these purposes.

The Endowment & Special Gifts Committee is accepting applications through March 31, 2022, and will make recommendations to Session for funding. Session will determine which initiatives, if any, are to be funded, and in what amounts. Applicants will be notified promptly of the Session’s decisions concerning their proposals.

Initiatives may be funded as long as resources continue to be available, but the later applications are received the more likely it is that funds will already have been distributed. Early applications are encouraged even if funds will not be needed until later in the year. Session will fund only those initiatives that, in its judgment, are consistent with the purposes of the Endowment & Special Gifts fund.

Questions about the application process may be addressed to Rob Wagner

We baptize infants and young children, as well as adults, because children are an important part of the body of Christ. When parents or guardians present their children for baptism, they are asked to profess their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior and promise to raise their children in the faith until they are old enough to become "active members" through their own profession of faith. Generally this means that the parents are active members of Westminster or another Christian congregation.

Adults who wish to join the church and have not already been baptized receive the sacrament of Baptism upon making their profession of faith and declaring their intention to be faithful members of the congregation.

Need more information?
Contact the church office at 412-835-6630.

Because we understand a Christian wedding to be, among other things, a worship service growing out of a community of believers, at least one member of any couple to be married at Westminster will ordinarily have been an active member of the congregation for at least a year prior to requesting a marriage ceremony. A wedding date may be held temporarily on the church's calendar, but no commitment will be made to perform the ceremony until the couple has met at least once with one of the pastors.

Church members may ask to reserve a date and receive guidelines and a wedding application by emailing Laura Ecklin.