Stewardship is a tangible expression of our love for God. Pledging is a spiritual discipline that keeps God at the center of our lives, as well as an important part of our church’s planning for ministry and mission.

Westminster Presbyterian Church embodies Jesus’ hope in this community and far beyond. Your financial support for the approximately $2 million operating budget in 2025 will be invested as we seek to love God and neighbor across our church’s principles to accept everyone with love, seek justice without exception, energize the next generation, and inspire wonder and meaning.

Pledging is available through MyWPC.

Contact Anna Hiner at 412-835-6630x207 with questions.

You may also complete the form below to submit your pledge.

I/we plan to give:


for a 2025 ANNUAL TOTAL of $ towards Westminster’s ministry and mission.


*Would you like to receive envelopes?

* required field
** Include email address for electronic receipt.

Giving at Westminster

“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it …” Psalm 24:1

There are many ways to give to Westminster, all of which are secure through our online giving partner, ACS Technologies. Choose the method with which you feel most comfortable.


Give a one-time gift, or set up a recurring gift.

Text Message

• Text WPCUSC to 73256. Standard text messaging rates may apply.
• Click the link you receive in your text message response.

By Mail

Mail your check payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church to Finance Office, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2040 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241. Designate the fund in the memo line.

Schedule Recurring Gifts

Why not set up your gift to recur automatically? Save on checks and postage, and ensure that your gift is always received! Scheduling your recurring gift is easy, convenient, and secure by using MyWPC below.


Log in to MyWPC where you can select the amount, frequency, and payment type for your gift.

Per Capita Giving

Each year Westminster must send the amount set for the year to the presbytery for each active member of our church. We welcome your contributions towards this vital mission to support our connectional church. The amount set by Pittsburgh Presbytery for 2025 is $37.71 per member.

For those of you receiving offering envelopes, there is an envelope inside each box for the per capita apportionment. For those of you who have elected not to receive offering envelopes, please note “2025 Per Capita” on the memo line of your check. If you have any questions regarding this apportionment, please contact Jack Kelly, director of finance and operations, at 412-835-6630x201 or [email protected]. Thank you.

Westminster Endowment & Special Gifts Fund

Since 1995, Westminster has been blessed to have the Westminster Endowment and Special Gifts Fund. Per its Declaration, the Endowment Fund “was created to enable and encourage individuals to extend their financial stewardship beyond their lifetimes, to further the ministry of Jesus Christ and to show gratitude for God’s blessings.”