Event details
- Sunday | February 9, 2025
- 09:45 AM -
- Galbreath Chapel and via Zoom
- 412-835-6630
The Westminster Seminars offer a dynamic schedule of topics to help us live more fully as thoughtful Christians in today’s world. Everyone is always welcome. Come when you can – no preparation or homework.
The Zoom option makes it easy to catch a seminar if you aren’t at church. For most seminars, you can watch or listen later on the Westminster website under News & Media: https://www.westminster-church.org/news-&-media/westminster-seminars.
Join Zoom Meeting
The Zoom meeting opens at 9:30.
Meeting ID: 867 5311 4914
Passcode: 209681
Christianity for a Post-Christian Context: New Possibilities for Faith and Practice
Sundays in February
Scott Hagley, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Sociologists have tracked the decline of Christianity in the United States for decades. Beginning in the 1960s, mainline denominations began to grow older and smaller, losing their younger members to a growing population of religiously unaffiliated persons. By the end of the 20th century, white evangelical communities like the Southern Baptists followed suit. It is now widely accepted that Christian communities in the U.S. are undergoing new pressures and immense changes. But how should we understand these changes? And, what new possibilities for Christian faith and practice do such challenges suggest? Over the course of four weeks, we will seek to understand these dynamics and explore new directions for faith communities in a post-Christian landscape.
February 9 – “Losing the Plot: Why Isn’t Christianity Believable?”
February 16 – “It’s Not about You: Reimaging Church for Our New Missional Era”
February 23 – “Hope and Wholeness: New Directions for Christian Faith and Practice”
Scott Hagley is the W. Don McClure Associate Professor of World Mission & Evangelism at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Before coming to Pittsburgh, he served as the teaching pastor of a church of neighborhood-based missional communities in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is the author of Eat What Is Set Before You: A Missiology of the Congregation in Context and co-editor of Sustaining Grace: Innovative Ecosystems for New Faith Communities. While he is known to run, cycle, and hike from time to time, he and his wife mostly wait around for their college-age daughters to come home to visit.