Publicity Request Form

To publicize church activities, please provide the event information and indicate which forms of communication you would like to use.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have not already reserved the room, please contact Kathy Long to schedule the room and setup for your event.

Are you providing transportation for the event?

No limit of words for website.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you have more than one image or artwork for your event, please compress (zip) them and send as one file.

Print and Graphics

Deadline: Anytime on the Friday, 9 days prior to publication. Use the date fields to the right to indicate what Sundays you'd like the announcement to appear (up to 3).
Deadline: a minimum of three weeks before the desired posting date.
Deadline: a minimum of one month before the desired delivery date.
Deadline: a minimum of one month before the desired delivery date.
Deadline: a minimum of one month before the desired delivery date.
Deadline: a minimum of three weeks before the desired posting date.
Please be specific in your request, size, layout, folds, etc.

Electronic Publicity

Weekly Email
Deadline: Noon Tuesday the week of publication

Worship Announcement

Please realize that only a few items can be mentioned each Sunday. We will do our best to accommodate your request based on the other items for inclusion those mornings.