Plan Your Visit

Whoever you are and whoever you are becoming, you are not only welcome here, but invited to be a part of this community and share your God-given gifts.

Presbyterian Church

Plan Your Visit

What to Expect at Westminster

Directions and Parking


About the Worship Services

Directions and Parking

Main Entrances

Worship Entrances

Sanctuary (8:30 & 11:00)

  • Doors 1 (has steps), 2 (has steps), 13 (no steps)
  • Ramp access to the Sanctuary – Door 10
  • Elevator access – Door 20

The Bridge (9:45) – Door 23

Door 6 – Gallery Entrance

  • Church Offices
  • Galbreath Chapel

For accessible entrance to this area, use door 3 in the south breezeway

Door 10 – North Entrance

  • Ramp entrance for the Sanctuary
  • Youth Wing & JAM
  • Choirs

Door 20 – Fellowship Hall & elevator to upper levels & sanctuary


Accessible Parking Spaces & Entrances with Ramps

Accessible parking spaces are available outside the following doors:

  • Door 6 (office entrance – has two sets of three stairs; Door 3 in the south breezeway accesses the office with no stairs)
  • Door 10 (north entry – can access the sanctuary, NO steps, but has a ramp)
  • Door 15 (Preschool, flat entrance)
  • Door 23 (WROC & Bridge Worship Service, flat entrance)
  • Door 20 (Fellowship Hall, has elevator to access upper level and sanctuary, flat entrance)
  • Door 23 (WROC entrance)
Large Print Bulletins & Hymnals

Large print bulletins and hymnals are available in the narthex (back of the sanctuary). Ask an usher for assistance in locating these materials.

Listening Devices

In-ear audio devices are available to amplify the output sound from the sanctuary sound system. A basket of them are on the left credenza in the narthex (back of the sanctuary). Ask an usher for assistance in locating these devices.

About the Worship Services

Traditional Worship Service

Sundays, 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Our traditional services at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. are similar, except that the full choir sings at 11:00. The 8:30 service is held outdoors in the north courtyard, weather permitting, June through August.

Contemporary Worship Service

Sundays, 9:45 a.m. in the WROC
The Bridge service features contemporary music and an informal setting in the WROC gymnasium.

What to Wear

Our congregation dresses in ways that make them feel comfortable. The contemporary service (9:45) is more casual than traditional worship (8:30 & 11:00). The contemporary service varies from shorts and flip flops to business casual. Traditional worship attendees typically dress business casual. You are welcome here no matter your attire!


We celebrate the Sacrament of Communion on the first Sunday of every month. Anyone who claims Jesus as Lord and Savior is welcome to receive the elements. At the 8:30 and 9:45 services, communion is served intinction style. Servers will stand at the front of the worship space in pairs, each holding a communion element. At the pastor’s invitation, the congregation is invited forward to take a piece of the bread of heaven and dip it in to the cup of salvation. At the 11:00 service, servers pass trays of bread and cup through the pews. The cup of salvation is filled with grape juice. Gluten-free bread is placed in white paper cups on the plates at every service.


Let us make your Sunday morning coffee! Snack and coffee stations are available for all services. For worship in the Sanctuary (8:30 & 11:00), enter through the north entry using Door 10. The Bridge (9:45) service has a table with coffee, lemonade, and treats along the back wall next to the AV cart.

For Children

Children are always welcome to be a part of all of our worship services. We do have a vibrant Children’s Ministry – view more information about all of our program offerings, including information about Sunday school and The Wiggle Room here.

Other Questions?

If this page did not answer all of your questions, feel free to call the church office at (412) 835-6630 or email Christine Hestwood at