Sunday, February 21
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Westminster Deacons are hosting their first blood drive of the year on Sunday, February 21. We invite everyone in the congregation who is 18 and over to consider donating for this worthy cause. Our doors are also open to the community, and we welcome additional donors for this event. The Westminster Deacons thank you for your continuing support in the worthy mission of donating blood.
Vitalant will provide staff and supplies to handle 40 or more donors and they are now requiring all donors to:
Make an appointment.
Wear a mask.
Get a temperature check on site.
Read more about Vitalant's precautionary measures at www.vitalant.org. Please preregister for your appointment by using sponsor code G0010171, in order to secure a time slot. Registration is easily done by phone or online at www.vitalant.org, or by calling Candy Kottyan at 412-860-3534.
In order to donate, you must:
Be 18 years or older (17 with parental consent)
Weigh at least 110 lbs.
Not have donated within the last 56 days
Be in good health
Medications such as insulin, aspirin, and high blood pressure treatments do not prevent you from donating. If you have any medical questions, please call Vitalant at 877-258-4825.
For those planning to donate, please remember to eat a good breakfast and drink plenty of non-caffeinated beverages. There will be snacks and goodies available for all donors!