The 624th meeting of Westminster’s session was held on January 18 via Zoom. A summary of the substantive discussion that evening include:
Westminster’s financial condition with respect to the operating budget for 2021 was reviewed and approved. Various elders commended members of this commission for their engagement in other commissions to provide transparent information and guidance.
The Stewardship Commission provided an update on the progress for the 2021 campaign to the general fund and ongoing efforts to address the shortfall.
Session continues to monitor the Allegheny County statistics related to the COVID-19 pandemic. At this point only online worship will remain in place until the standards and conditions previously set allow in person worship to resume.
The session thanked those elders who have served so faithfully and concluded their terms of service at that meeting.
Session appoints commissions, as needed, to carry out the life of the church. See below for 2021 session commission assignments and staff liaisons.
Adult Spiritual Development
Chair: Barb Myers
Elder: Megan Exley
Staff Liaison: Louise Rogers
Bridge Worship
Chair: Beth Wagner
Elder: Nicole Baculik
Staff Liaison: Ed Sutter
Children’s & Family Ministry
Chair: Karen Williams
Staff Liaisons: Natalie Brown, Louise Rogers
Chair: Steve Schmitt
Staff Liaison: Jan Baumann
Chair: Mike Lee
Elders: Jeff Rex, Peggy Canose
Staff Liaison: Jo Forrest
Chair: Kristin LeBeau
Elders: Gwen Fraser, Meghan Widmar
Staff Liaison: Jan Baumann
Chair: Sandy Conley
Elders: Dan Paul, Becky Weber
Staff Liaison: Louise Rogers
Chair: Andrew Marsh
Elders: Bill Ludwig, Denise Rost
Staff Liaison: Jo Forrest
Chair: Jay Galbreath
Elders: Bob Sheap, Sue Castelli, Dave Davis
Staff Liaison: Jo Forrest
Chair: David Heilman
Elder: Michele Burgess
Staff Liaison: Jo Forrest
Chair: Allison McGee
Staff Liaisons: Jo Forrest, Louise Rogers
Chair: Luke Walker
Elder: Beth Jenkins
Staff Liaison: Ed Sutter
Clerk of Session: Brian Peck
Board of Deacons
Moderator: Matt Baculik
Vice Moderator: Kevin Green
Secretary: Carol Couch
Staff Liaison: Louise Rogers