Children’s & Family Ministry initiated virtual Sunday school using Zoom for Advent 2020. We are grateful for the Sunday school teacher volunteers who helped us make this happen: Lindsay Carter, Beth Ketterman, and Kelsey O’Leary.
Virtual Sunday school during Advent consisted of a Bible topic and story, lighting the Advent candles, music and singing, scripture verse, game, and a prayer. The children and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the experience of sharing God’s word and love during the holiday season in this new way.
We had been reviewing different curricula to consider for Sunday school into the new year with plans to continue to offer virtual Sunday school, but also in hopes that soon we will have the option for in person Sunday school too.
We decided on the curriculum Grow. This curriculum offers virtual components to go along with each lesson topic and theme. Videos accompany the lessons for preschool and younger elementary and for upper elementary through sixth grade. There are also music and games that can be used virtually. Grow can be used successfully both virtually and in person. This was a primary goal for choosing a new curriculum.
We are looking forward to virtual Sunday school using Grow to build upon the spiritual development of the children at Westminster. In January the lessons were on the miracles of Jesus, called “Challenge Accepted.” During the month of February, we will discover the ministry of Jesus.
We are happy to have children through sixth grade. In January, we started to divide the children into two breakout rooms, one room for preschool through second grade and the other room for third through sixth grade. This has allowed us to tailor the Bible topic or story to a child’s developmental level. We continue to start and end as a large group.
We invite families that have not participated yet to feel free to have their child/children participate any time. We are eager and excited to share God’s love and message!
Blessings to all in 2021!
Natalie Brown and Debb Egli
Virtual Sunday School is offered on Sundays from 10:00 to 10:40 a.m.
Join the Zoom meeting here.
Meeting ID: 821 4153 5932
Passcode: L3P6YN