Prayer Walking

An important part of Confirmation Class is learning new prayer practices. So many of us think that we must have the proper, fancy words to pray, but we really don’t. There are so many ways to connect with our creator, through art, music, scripture, etc.

Our first practice, and one of my favorites, is prayer walking. I love to go walking on trails through nature, listening to wildlife and exploring plants and trees. I can almost always find God talking to me through the joyfulness of a bird’s song or flowers blooming.

I love to garden but weeds have taken over my landscaping since I started working. Last week, I noticed a sunflower proudly poking its head through the weeds in my backyard. I don’t remember planting this sunflower and it even brought friends along. It was if to say, “I am going to stand tall and show my gratitude to my maker, no matter what is trying to pull me down.”

Praise God for all of the beauty in creation!

– Becky Boyer