October 4, 11, 18, and 25
All One in Christ Jesus? Christian Unity in Complicated Times
Rev. Liddy Barlow, Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania
We say that we believe in “one” holy, catholic, and apostolic church – but arguments and schisms have left the church divided into thousands of quarreling factions. In these seminars, we’ll explore what Christian unity means, why it matters, and how we can make it more visible in our own communities. We don’t have to do it alone: Greater Pittsburgh is a trailblazing leader in ecumenical work. In 2020, Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania is celebrating 50 years of nurturing unity among diverse Christians.
On October 4, we’ll explore the foundations of unity in scripture and how Christians have worked to bridge divides across church history. On October 11, we’ll watch unity take root here in Southwest Pennsylvania, using the story of Christian Associates and its predecessor organizations as a case study. On October 18, we’ll wrestle with living out unity in the messiness of daily life, considering the challenges and the opportunities of our own fractious moment. And on October 25, we’ll look ahead to consider trends to watch for as the work of Christian unity continues into a new half-century.
Sessions in this series will make reference to All One in Christ Jesus: Southwest Pennsylvania Celebrates Christian Unity, Christian Associates’ anniversary book, which is available for free digital download here (or for purchase of printed copies). A copy of the book is not required to enjoy and participate in the seminars, but participants may find it useful in diving deeper into the topics we explore.
Rev. Liddy Barlow
Rev. Liddy Barlow is Executive Minister of Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania. For 50 years, Christian Associates has convened diverse Christians from Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox traditions to build relationships and serve the common good. As Executive Minister, Rev. Barlow sets a vision for Christian Associates and manages all of the organization's projects and relationships. She is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and previously served congregations in downtown Pittsburgh and North Huntingdon. She lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and their two children.
About Westminster Seminars Online
Live on Sundays
10:00 – 10:45 a.m. via Zoom
(Zoom link available on the church website and in each Friday church email)
Please join us for the live Zoom meeting or watch the video later on the Westminster website. The Zoom meeting will open at 9:40 for greetings and conversation.