By Anna Hiner
Membership & Communications Coordinator
When I started working at Westminster in 2006, we were on the cutting edge of, well, 2006. We printed newsletters on different colored paper using cutesy clipart; we created mailing labels in Word documents; and WROC classes were announced quarterly via a printed catalog of classes.
The staff had a database of church members that we weren’t utilizing to its full potential. A few of us on staff started exploring that database and finding a myriad of ways to update it and use it to not only streamline our workload but also to better connect with you. Next, we discovered an email marketing tool that worked with our database and allowed us to send emails instead of paper newsletters. I was most excited when we created a WROC website to replace the quarterly paper catalog!
Though our methods have changed, our goal has always been to invite you to the upcoming activities happening here at Westminster. And whether it was a paper newsletter or an email, you showed up, and you continue to show up.
Here we are in 2024! In January we updated our database to a new system called Realm® with our longtime ministry partner, ACS Technologies. Within the church we call this system MyWPC, and it is now the most reliable way to connect with your church and to view and register for upcoming events.
Let’s come together to see Jesus in each other and be “mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Romans 1:12).
Read more about MyWPC at https://www.westminster-church.org/my_WPC. For questions or assistance, or to let me know how much you love MyWPC, don’t hesitate to reach out!