By Alecia Klonicke
Moderator, Board of Deacons
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10-11
This Bible passage is perfect to describe the Deacons at Westminster, a group of people of all different ages, abilities, strengths, backgrounds, and beliefs that have been called to serve our congregation.
The Deacons have multiple activities throughout the year to reach our members. Blood Drives through Vitalant are held three times a year, Easter flowers and Christmas poinsettias are delivered, meals and cards are shared with those who perhaps have a family member in the hospital or who need a caring embrace or a thinking of you. We also facilitate fellowship gatherings at Friendship Village and Providence Point. One of our favorite and most meaningful activities is extending communion to individuals who are not able to share in the holy sacrament in person. We are constantly evolving our outreach strategies and are hoping to implement fresh ideas this year through new endeavors.
Our main goal is staying connected with our members. It is easy to see the compassion and genuine love the Deacons have for the congregation, its members, and of God.
The Deacons serve wholeheartedly; by serving our congregation, we serve God.