Message from Jo Forrest -- September 2022

For God so loved the world…

One of the most quoted verses from scripture affirms God loves creation so much that God chose to reach us in a body. Jesus’ presence brought all the ethereal notions of God’s love to life in tangible ways by the way he touched people, fed them, healed them, hung out at dinner with them, worshiped with them. All ways we can follow and model.

Faith in God might be something that swells in your heart, sparks your imagination to the divine among the ordinary, and gives you strength at times of trouble, but faith is not some abstract concept. Faith is embodied and has a body – yours and mine.

This is one of the reasons we now print the Spire. Touch these pages. See how the ink transforms the paper. Let the ideas sink into your whole being, and then allow your body to be moved by faith, literally, to be what God needs us to be in this community.

Decide to be present with one another at worship and later share a cuppa. Let your thoughts and prayers move from a private conversation with God to an action that answers those prayers. Imagine what needs to be said for truth and justice to flourish and then use your voice. All of these reflect the embodied ways God taught us, through Jesus, what it means to live a life of faith.

Westminster grew from that elusive notion of faith to become the centerpiece in this community through the people who gather and are then sent out.

I appreciate the commission of Bishop Anthony of Sourozh who said, "We should try to live in such a way that if the Gospels were lost, they could be re-written by looking at us.”

We are in this together,

Jo Forrest