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Issue: May 2023 |
Posted on May 1, 2023
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”
Acts 2…
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Issue: May 2023 |
Posted on May 1, 2023
Growth often means the gift of new opportunity. A growing family means more smiles and laughs. A growing income perhaps allows for a bigger home with more bedrooms and a bigger dinner table for that family. A growing church shares the word of God and creates a vibrant community of faith.
Part of the privilege of my job is watching students grow in front of me. Physically they grow taller in the…
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Issue: May 2023 |
Posted on May 1, 2023
“One might indeed say that the organ is an artfully constructed living being, which speaks and sings by means of wind and human hands. Thus, the organ in its grandeur is quite fittingly compared to the human body, that is controlled in its actions by the soul.”
—Girolamo Diruta, 1593
The wind instrument with keyboards that we call the pipe organ has been a part of Christian worship for over 1,200 …
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Issue: May 2023 |
Posted on May 1, 2023
What is Zumba? According to instructor Debbie Colditz, “It’s joy filled fellowship!”
In September 2007, Debbie Colditz, a newly certified instructor, launched the first Zumba class at the WROC. Zumba was new on the fitness scene; participants didn’t know what to expect – one woman showed up in ballet slippers. The class was off to a slow start, but by 2010, “the WROC went crazy, we had 60 participant…
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Issue: May 2023 |
Posted on May 1, 2023
When John Calvin wrote those words 500 years ago, at the very dawn of the Presbyterian Church, he couldn’t have foreseen the degree to which companion animals would infiltrate human society. According to the American Veterinary Medicine Association (AVMA), about 70% of American households include a pet. That’s a whopping 85 million U.S. families who share their homes and lives with at least one ani…
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