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Promises Fulfilled

By Roberta Sarraf Refugee Resettlement Team In Genesis, the rainbow is a sign of a covenant between God and his people, promising care and protection. In legal terms, a covenant is a written agreement promising the performance of certain actions. When Westminster’s Refugee Resettlement Team executed a written agreement to sponsor a family, we made a covenant in both senses of the word. We p…

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Silence and the Stillness

By Christine Hestwood Music Director “Be still and know that I am God.” -Psalm 36:10 In my work, I am constantly surrounded by sound. You may be surprised to know that I rarely listen to music in my car or at home. I typically only listen to music when I’m studying a score or selecting music for church. You won’t be surprised to learn that I’m a high extrovert. I always seek opportunities to engage wi…

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By Broc Sleek Stewardship Commission As we enter the season of Lent, our church family embarks on a spiritual journey of introspection and renewal. This year's theme, "Covenant," encourages us to reflect upon the promises, agreements, and ways of behaving that God desires of us. In other words, why we do what we do as Christians. Throughout the year, especially around the holidays and…

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Women's Ministry

By Mandy Thomas About two years ago, I was restless. It was December 2021 and I had stepped away from church. Life felt hard, COVID was hard, personal things were hard. But God was calling me back to my church home, my beloved Westminster. I was ready to return to church and wanted to focus on Women's Ministry. I contacted Megan Exley, then chair of the Adult Spiritual Development Commission. By…

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