By Broc Sleek
Stewardship Commission
As we enter the season of Lent, our church family embarks on a spiritual journey of introspection and renewal. This year's theme, "Covenant," encourages us to reflect upon the promises, agreements, and ways of behaving that God desires of us. In other words, why we do what we do as Christians.
Throughout the year, especially around the holidays and Lent, we reflect on why we give. We give because we can witness the tangible impact of our gifts in action. All around the church we see constant reminders that our contributions, whether big or small, play a vital role in sustaining our church's mission and ministry.
Moreover, our giving is driven by the understanding that the church depends on these gifts to ensure its presence for generations to come. We envision a future where our children and grandchildren can also find solace, community, and spiritual growth within these sacred walls. Our stewardship today secures the church's legacy for the adults they will become.
In the face of the numerous needs tugging at our hearts, the choice to give to Westminster reflects our dedication to preserving and nourishing this spiritual home. It is a testament to the enduring covenant we share as a church family.
As we journey through Lent together, let us explore the depth and significance of our covenant with God, finding inspiration in our shared commitment to serve, worship, and give. May this season of reflection strengthen our resolve to fulfill the promises we make to ourselves and God and deepen our understanding of why we do what we do, so the glory of God's covenant endures forever.