Westminster Walkabouts – Tour of Saint Anthony Chapel

April 10 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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Please join the Westminster Walkabouts for a tour of Saint Anthony Chapel, located on Troy Hill, which overlooks the Allegheny River on Pittsburgh’s North Side, and is home to the largest collection of Christian relics in the world outside of the Vatican. This Shrine, dedicated to the “Wonder-Worker,” St. Anthony of Padua, houses a vast collection of relics and has been designated a Historical Landmark by the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation.

We will also view a set of life-size Stations of the Cross – these priceless Stations were carved of wood by artists of the Royal Ecclesiastical Art Establishment of Mayer and Company in Munich, Germany.

Cost: $5 per person
RSVP by April 1 to Deborah Waller (412-760-7523); attendance numbers are limited.
Early dinner afterwards at Scratch & Co.


April 10
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:


Saint Anthony Chapel
1704 Harpster St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212 United States
+ Google Map

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