The Westminster Seminars offer a dynamic schedule of topics to help us live more fully as thoughtful Christians in today’s world. Everyone is always welcome. Come when you can – no preparation or homework.
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The Zoom meeting opens at 9:30.
Meeting ID: 867 5311 4914
Passcode: 209681
Presenter: John Wilson
How do we understand our Colonial American ancestors in faith? How did their beliefs develop? This series considers the religious situation in England in the 17th century as the context of the migrations to New England and as the source of New England church and theology.
March 30 – Presbyterians and Puritans in England during the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I
Presbyterian Majority in the House of Commons
April 6 – The Synod of Dordrecht
Puritan persecution and migration to New England
April 13 – Civil War between Parliament and Charles I
The execution of the King in 1649 prompts a new migration to New England
April 27 – Expulsion of Presbyterian ministers from the Church of England
Conformity to Anglicanism; limited toleration of Puritans and Presbyterians
John Wilson was professor of church history and, for several years, dean of faculty at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Before coming to Pittsburgh (1984) he was a minister in the Swiss Reformed Church, during which time research and publication led to his receiving permission to teach (habilitation) at the theological faculty of the University of Basel, which involved the awarding of a second doctorate (Dr. theol. habil.). His B.A. is from Emory University, his B.D. from Drew University, and his Ph.D. is from Claremont Graduate University. He is married to Nana née Watson; they have three adult children and three grandchildren.