Care & Support

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

John 13:34

Westminster Presbyterian Church is a caring community of faith, formed in Jesus Christ and bound to God and one another in Christian love. The focus of care at Westminster is not only on meeting the needs of every member, from the youngest to the oldest, but also on enabling all members to identify and carry out their ministries of service to others. In addition to providing support during all of life’s transitions and challenges, we hope to promote overall wellness. Many of our resources are also available to the community at large.

Our Programs

Blood Drives

The Deacons, in conjunction with Vitalant, organize three blood drives at Westminster which occur on Sunday mornings throughout the year. These are held in February, May, and September.

Please check the church calendar for details.

Dementia Caregiver Support Group

  • Third week of each month
  • Thursday: Noon-1:00 p.m.
  • Memorial Parlor

Caregivers and family members will find support, encouragement, and comfort from others through the sharing of experiences. The group offers a safe place where you can get information that’s practical, constructive, and helpful. You’ll have the benefit of encouragement, and you’ll learn how to cope through the journey of memory loss of your loved one.

Leader: Terrie Eger, BA in Healthcare Administration, CDP (Certified Dementia Practitioner), CDPSG (Certified Dementia Practitioner Support Group Leader)

No registration required. For questions, please call 412-835-6630.

Extended Home Communion

Extended Home Communion is taken to those who are unable to come to church. Upcoming Extended Communion dates are:

  • May 4, 2025

If you are unable to come to church and would like to receive communion at home, please call the church office at 412-835-6630.

Knit in His Spirit

  • First and third Wednesdays of every month
  • 2:00-4:00 p.m.
  • Mt. Lebanon Galleria, outside of Panera

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry members knit or crochet shawls and lap robes that are given to persons who are ill, have suffered a loss, or are amid a life crisis. Anyone can make a request for a shawl or recommend a recipient. The group also knits baby blankets which are given to children during their baptism at Westminster.

Prior experience is not required. The only prerequisite is a desire to spend a delightful, relaxing afternoon in the company of those who share your love of needlework. Our schedule is very flexible, and attendance at every session is not required. Beginners and experienced needle workers are encouraged to become a part of this very special ministry. Anyone wishing to work independently is encouraged to do so. There are no deadlines – just present the blanket or shawl when it is finished when we pray for the person receiving our projects made with love.

For more information, contact Mary Kay Mitchell at

Grief Care

Our Grief Care support group can help you face the challenges of loss and move toward rebuilding your life. Support group sessions are held in the spring and fall.

What you can expect in the Grief Care sessions:

  • Help for navigating the emotions, experiences, and questions of grief.
  • Scriptures and biblical support.
  • Opportunity for personal reflection by sharing experiences with others.

For more information, call 412-835-6630.

Meal & Card Ministries

The Deacons at Westminster reach out with support, encouragement, and practical care when members of our community are in need. Whether due to illness, surgery, grief, or another need, Deacons are ready to respond with compassion. If you or someone you know would benefit from a meal, a card, or a call from the Deacons, please contact Rev. Laura Bentley.

The Prayer Ministry Team

  • Every other Thursday
  • 11 a.m.-Noon
  • Memorial Parlor

The Westminster prayer group focuses on prayer for our church’s ministry, our community, our nation, and the world, as well as for those in hospitals, those who have suffered a loss, or are experiencing other concerns in their lives. An ongoing list of prayer receivers contains members and non-members of Westminster. To request prayer, please email Rev. Laura Bentley at

The Samaritan Counseling Center

Counseling is available for families and individuals at the church through The Samaritan Counseling Center.

To schedule an appointment, please call 412-741-7430.

Daytime hours and evening appointments are available.


Counseling should always bring us closer to becoming the person God intends us to be. At the Samaritan Counseling Center, we work on bringing the many facets of a person’s life into a harmonious union. We include the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions of who you are. We help our clients gain skills that enable them to confront the realities of life, develop solutions to stressful situations and learn to maintain the growth achieved.

  • We believe that effective counseling takes place in a trusting relationship between client and counselor. Our therapists are caring professionals, dedicated to helping people grow beyond their present situations.
  • The Samaritan Counseling Center provides one-on-one counseling for adults, children, adolescents, couples, and families. We also provide spiritual direction, grief support services, group seminars, and retreats.

Committed to Excellence

The Samaritan Counseling Center is fully accredited by the Samaritan institute in Denver, Colorado, which is recognized by The American Medical Association, The President’s Commission on Mental Health, The American Association of Pastoral Counselors, and major church denominations.

All of the therapists are state licensed and/or certified by a professional organization. All therapists have one or more master’s degrees and participate in continuing education, peer review, and ongoing supervision. We have a consulting psychiatrist.

Our counselors are committed to uphold professional ethical standards which demand strict confidentiality and the utmost regard for the value of the client’s time, finances, and person.


A primary goal for us is that professional counseling be affordable without compromising quality, regardless of the client’s ability to pay.

Many of our services are reimbursable using health care insurance. An adjusted fee can also be arranged, based on a family’s gross income. The Samaritan Counseling Center is an ecumenical, non-profit corporation funded by fees for services and by contributions from churches, businesses, civic groups, individuals, and foundations.

Contributions to our Client Aid Fund enable us to offer our services on an adjusted fee basis. If you would like to make a contribution to our center, please contact our main office at 412-854-4530.

Download our brochure to read about our counselors

Worship at Home

Worship at Home provides worship materials from the Sunday service including written sermon and bulletin. Contact the church office at 412-835-6630.