November 1, 8, 15, 22
Are We There Yet? Pandemic and the End-times
Steven Tuell, James A. Kelso Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Back in March, one of my students asked me, “[I]s this the end of days? I have heard a number of students joke and comment about this, and I think the jokes and comments about the apocalypse do indicate a small underlying fear.” In these next few Sundays, we will look at several texts from both testaments typically read as predicting the end of the world, and consider what the texts themselves actually say about the Apocalypse, the Rapture, the Antichrist, and the Final Judgment. Our perspective throughout will be that we need not worry: not because we know what the future holds, but because we know who holds the future.
Read more about Professor Tuell here: www.pts.edu/tuells.
Advent Series begins November 29
The Quiet Politics of Jesus
John Burgess, James Henry Snowden Professor of Systematic Theology
These seminars invite us to reflect on how the coming of Christ into the world initiates God’s peaceable kingdom. We will look at the “quiet virtues” of the Christian life (truth-telling, caring, and dignity) and the difference they make for our political life.
November 29 – The Quiet Politics of Jesus
December 6 – Truth-telling and the Politics of Jesus
December 13 – Caring and the Politics of Jesus
December 20 – Dignity and the Politics of Jesus
Read more about Professor Burgess here: www.pts.edu/burgessj.
About Westminster Seminars Online
Live on Sundays
10:00 – 10:45 a.m. via Zoom
(Zoom link available on the church website and in each Friday church email)
Please join us for the live Zoom meeting or watch the video later on the Westminster website. The Zoom meeting will open at 9:40 for greetings and conversation.