photo credit (clockwise): David Fine, Greg Henshall, Sarah Partridge, Andrea Booher.
Presbyterian Disaster Agency works to serve people who are in need. When there is a natural disaster such as a wildfire, hurricane, or tornado, they send out teams of people to assist with cleanup who bring resources to people who have been affected. One resource PDA provides is buckets, called Gifts of the Heart Kits, filled with cleaning supplies, baby items, or hygiene items. These buckets are provided by various churches, stored in warehouses, and then given to people in need when the time comes.
This year the Deacons of Westminster have taken on the challenge! We aim to fill 100 buckets as our way to help our neighbors in need.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Gift of the Heart Kits – Cleanup Buckets
Collection August 1 – 29
To assist in the Presbyterian response to national disasters, the Deacons are hosting a donation drive for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance(PDA). PDA is an organization dedicated to serving the needs of people in active disaster areas of our country, as well as internationally. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Gift of the Heart Kits – Cleanup Buckets – needs the following personal items:
Scouring pads
Scrub brush
Dust masks
Clothesline (50 feet or 100 feet)
Box dry laundry detergent, 50-78 oz.
Pair of work gloves
Pair of latex gloves
Liquid concentrated household cleaner, 12 oz.
Liquid disinfectant dish soap, 25 oz.
Package of cleaning towels, 18 reusable
Heavy duty trash bags, 33-45 gallon
Insect repellant, 6-14 oz., drops or lotion, not aerosol
All liquids must be in plastic bottles only, and we can only accept new and unopened materials. We are also accepting monetary donations: checks made out to Westminster Presbyterian Church with “Presbyterian Disaster Assistance” on the memo line. Collections will take place August 1 through August 29. Collection boxes will be stationed on the porch at the church office entrance. Thank you for your generosity to people affected by pandemic and natural disasters in their time of need.
Questions can be answered by the Bucket Team: Steve Daniele, Molly Brown, and Jerome Ecklin. Thanks to the Westminster community for taking part!