At Westminster Church, we strive to be a welcoming congregation. During one of my pastoral visits, one of our saints shared the touching story of her welcoming experience.
“When I was raising my family we had a family business. My husband and I spent every ‘free’ minute trying to make it a success. Between raising four active children and keeping house, just getting dinner on the table every night was a chore, life was busy. We got to church on Sunday, but I never had time for any social activities at the church. As the children got older, they were on their own, so finally I decided to go to one of the special events with the Women’s Association. I arrived just before the program began. When I walked in the room, to my dismay everyone was seated and all the chairs were filled around the tables.
“I stood to the side feeling awkward and wondering if I should just back out slowly and go home. Actually, I was kicking myself for even trying something new. That was when Diane stood up! She called over, Anna please come with me. You and I can sit together over here. Quickly she arranged for chairs and placemats to come to an empty table. Diane and I sat together for the entire presentation. No one else joined us but we had the best time. I can’t tell you what the program was that day, but I will never forget the kindness and welcome I received from Diane. Even today my heart is full thinking about her.”
This account talks more about welcoming than I can possibly relay. At some time, each one of us has been the awkward person standing on the sidelines wondering where to sit or how to fit in while everyone else seems to have a friend. Jesus was always inviting the lost, lonely, and the least into his company. Jesus invited himself to dinner at Zacchaeus’ house, he talked with the rejected Samaritan woman, he accepted the gift of the woman’s oil at dinner while the formal religious leaders looked on with disdain. Let our welcome be like Jesus, extended to everyone. There is always room at the Lord’s table. Especially in these days when we may not be physically in the same room, welcoming one another with creative love can truly change someone’s life.
Together on the journey,