We Indeed Found Our Spiritual Home

As background, I lived my first 22 years in Texas as a member of the Disciples of Christ denomination. The next four years were spent at sea as a US Naval officer. I then went to work for a company based in Pittsburgh, living in Cincinnati, Boston, and Houston. I moved to Pittsburgh in 1981 with my family and began looking for a church. We chose Westminster because it was very welcoming. My eldest son was particularly welcomed into the high school group and we enjoyed Laird Stewart's sermons. We became Presbyterians.

The next 40 years saw celebrations of joy as both of my sons were married in the church, three grandchildren were baptized, religious holidays were celebrated, and as a widower I was remarried again in the chapel. The Child Development Center was home for my five grandchildren while their moms worked.

There were times of sorrow as well. My wife of 40 years battled breast cancer for six years before God took her home. My only sibling succumbed to HIV at an early age while living in New York City. I was at a total loss at that time and the compassion of Bob Norris and the generosity of a church member allowed my compromised wife to fly to New York where Bob conducted a funeral for my brother. It was like a miracle to me that left an indelible impression of the power of the body of Christ in the form of Westminster.

Hearing the gospel preached has always been an important part of my striving to practice Christianity. While each pastor has their own distinctive style, I feel blessed to have experienced four called pastors and three interims. The power of our Chancel Choir has also been very important to me.

Overarching these years, I made many lifelong friends by participating in many aspects of church life. Serving as an elder and a member of a senior pastor search committee stand out in my memories. It all helped me understand how the church is a living body of Christ.

I came to Pittsburgh as a stranger looking for a place to attend church. I was blessed to find a spiritual home that has helped me weather the hard times, celebrate the joyful, and continue my flawed quest to live a Christian life.

Photo above: Front row (l-r): Lucas, Rachel, and Matthew; Back row: Rae and Jacob.