Advent is the time of anticipation. How are you approaching this season of waiting? It can be easy to get discouraged as we look around and see problems waiting for us every day. Needless strife and violence occur daily in the headlines. Supply chain problems make presents harder to buy. Surges in holiday travel will make flying a nightmare. What are we to do about wearing or not wearing masks this Christmas? We miss our loved ones who cannot be with us, especially at this special time of the year. Worries abound!
In the midst of our dilemmas, joys can also be found. Wide eyed children sing Christmas songs; their innocence lifts our spirits. Giving trees that appear at church invite us to share our abundance with children who live in foster homes around our area. The beauty of the season in lights and garlands make us smile, reminding us that Jesus came into the dark world to be the “light of the world.”
In our lives, we discover goodness and difficulties that move us along the pendulum between joys and heartaches. Scriptures encourage us to look to God in our time of waiting.
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
– Psalm 16:11, ESV
God created us as emotional beings, with all that it entails. There are things that we can do to encourage joy to bubble up, especially as we prepare for Christmas. In doing so, we will help others cultivate joy as well.
Here are a few ways to focus on the joy that comes from living a life for God.
- Remember a time when God or a friend helped you and the circumstances around those experiences. Give thanks!
- Sing a song that makes you happy, perhaps a hymn or praise song.
- Pray for yourself and others. Be honest in your prayers and take time to listen for God.
- Express gratitude to God for another person.
- Give of your time and talents in serving others. Doing this creates joy for others, which is fulfilling the directive to love our neighbors.
We light candles of hope, peace, joy, and love during Advent. These gifts will be realized in our lives as we seek to live as people of joy, waiting and living for the Christ child.
Together on the journey,