Treasures for Troops Collection
May 15 - 24
To honor our troops for Memorial Day, the Deacons are hosting a donation drive for Operation Troop Appreciation. OTA is a local organization dedicated to the active and veteran members of our Armed Forces by providing them with items that contribute to their morale and well-being. All donations are used for OTA’s “Active-Duty Wish-List Program” and “Veteran Welcome Home Program.”

Operation Troop Appreciation needs the following personal items:
- men’s & women’s triple blade razors
- body wash
- body lotion
- lip balm
- sunscreen
- feminine hygiene products
- athletic socks
Due to COVID-19, exercise facilities at the bases are closed. The following equipment is requested:
- jump ropes
- resistance bands/tubes
- hand grip strengtheners
- ab rollers
There is no size or weight restriction on any item.
We welcome checks made out to WPC with “Treasures for Troops” on the memo line or you can donate on the WPC website here. Collections will take place May 15 through May 24. Camouflage collection boxes will be stationed on the porch at the church office entrance.
OTA includes a collection of homemade cards inside each donation box sent to troops. These cards are treasured by the troops. Your cards are welcomed along with your donations. There will be a manilla envelope inside of each camouflage collection box for you to place your cards.
Thank you for your generosity.