Just a few weeks ago, Westminster’s Children, Family, and Youth Ministries hosted a training opportunity for anyone interested in volunteering during the coming year. As part of our time together we invited a few of our veteran volunteers to share their experience. One such veteran, David Kerr, shared his thoughts through a Top Ten List.
- You get to sleep in comfortable beds in five-star resorts and visit destinations with water slides, noise, and enough humidity to make even my hair curl.
- You might get an opportunity to break your finger. Even when it’s the first time you are left alone with the group and you were specifically told not to let anyone get hurt.
- You get to throw balls at kids with names like Fluffy and Wee Paul and Peanut.
- You will learn how to get around this church even in the pitch black.
- You get to make a fool out of yourself with no consequences.
- You might get the chance to work a few 10 to 12-hour days in the hot sun doing construction work.
- You will gain a more positive perspective on the future of this world from hanging around these kids.
- You will get to build relationships outside the walls of this church that can last much longer than the years the kids are in Veritas. You will learn as much from them as they will from you.
- You will feel the love that oozes from this group.
- You might get a chance to hang out with Uncle Dave.
- BONUS You get to meet cool adults and build relationships with them, too.
If your interest is piqued, or even if you’re just curious about this “Uncle Dave” guy, we’d love for you to join in support of our ministries to young people. We have opportunities ranging from Prayer Team to Games Leader and everything in between. All that we do—through humor, fun, prayer, or worship—is in the hopes that we might point the next generation to become disciples of Jesus. We hope you’ll join us.