April 3, 10, 24
John E. Wilson
Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin are the main sources of Reformation history and theology. While they held much in common, the works of each contain aspects that are distinctive and characteristic, and that are still notable parts of current Presbyterian thought and practice. This series selects such characteristics for each Reformer and places them in comparison with the other two.
April 3 – Martin Luther: Faith and the Power of Destruction (the Devil); Faith and Reason
April 10 – Ulrich Zwingli: The Reformation in the City and the Issue of Justice
April 24 – John Calvin: The Reformation of the Refugees and Church Discipline
John E. Wilson is Professor Emeritus of Church History and former Dean of Faculty at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He was ordained to Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church of Switzerland and holds the Habilitation in Theology (theol. habil.) from the University of Basel. He is the author of several works in theological history. His wife Nana facilitates the Centering Prayer group at Westminster.
Westminster Seminars
In Person and Online
Sundays, 9:45 – 10:30 a.m.
Galbreath Chapel & Zoom
The Westminster Seminars address, in various ways, how our beliefs and practices as Christians enrich our lives in today’s culture. Everyone is welcome – come every week or whenever the topic appeals and your schedule allows. If you can’t join in person or on Zoom, plan to watch or listen later on the Westminster website – under News & Media – here: westminster-church.org/news-&-media/westminster-seminars.
The Zoom meeting opens at 9:30 for greetings and conversation. Find the link on the church website under Featured Events or in the Friday church email.