As of Thanksgiving 302 families made pledges of $1,245,023, representing 40% of the congregation. Of those that have pledged 33% have increased their pledge from 2021 and a total of 58 families that did not pledge in 2021 have done so for 2022! Thank all of you for generously returning a portion of what God has given to you to further the Church’s essential ministries in 2022. We are currently in the final stages of finalizing our budget for 2022 and encourage those who have not yet returned a pledge to reflect on God’s grace in your life and consider making a personally meaningful financial commitment to Westminster by visiting our website here for online pledging options, or by filling out a pledge card and returning it to the church office.
Our congregation has pledged to date in the following ways:
Pledge Amount | # of Pledges |
$0 – $1,000 | 63 |
$1,001 – $2,000 | 73 |
$2,001 – $3,000 | 56 |
$3,001 – $4,000 | 21 |
$4,001 – $5,000 | 15 |
$5,001 – $7,500 | 30 |
$7,501 – $10,000 | 18 |
$10,001 – $20,000 | 19 |
Above $20,000 | 7 |
Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
– Matthew 22:36-39