On February 11 and 12, the newly ordained and installed officers of Westminster gathered in the sanctuary for a retreat. Since the pandemic quarantines of early 2021 did not permit a retreat, this gathering felt particularly joyful. On Friday evening, we reflected on the challenges and accomplishments of 2021. In a trying year, this congregation created stability and spiritual growth that will enable it to make investments in 2022 and beyond. The evening concluded with a worship service led by elders and deacons in which everyone offered a prayer and lit a candle for our future.
On Saturday, our conversation in the WROC explored the ways Westminster may embody the priorities to accept everyone, inspire wonder and meaning, pursue justice, and energize the next generation. The variety of ideas will shape the ways this church will love God and neighbor.
Later that morning, a Session meeting was held in which the 2022 operating budget was approved. This budget will be presented at the congregation’s Annual Meeting on February 27, 2022.