On March 15, the session met, with almost everyone present. The commitment to serve and to do so faithfully each month is such an asset to this church and our future.
Dave Heilman was elected to serve as Treasurer, completing John Null’s term. He will stand for re-election in the fall at the next election of officers. John Null has been clear in his commitment to remain engaged in several outstanding issues in which he has unique history and expertise.
Louise Rogers reported on the progress of in person worship and plans for Easter. The 8:30 service will return on Easter Sunday and remain going forward.
Commissions shared their response to “what is God calling them in 2021+.” In addition to the reports, these responses served to connect the work of the commissions and remind us our work is to God’s glory.
In our congregation, COVID continues to raise its very ugly head. Many members continue to become infected, many are suffering, and we felt a palpable sense of fear among several elders for family members. Even though we are opening for in person events, we must remain diligent in safety protocols. How easily it has become not newsworthy that 1,500+ people die each day in our country.
– Jo Forrest