Recently at JAM, we have been discussing hope. What do we hope for? What gives us hope? For me, hearing 5th and 6th graders share their hopes certainly filled me with hope. “For my family and friends to be happy.” “To grow up into a good person.” “For other kids to have it better than me.” Likewise, hearing about where they find their hope was inspiring. “When I come to JAM, and there are other people here who are also interested in talking about God.”
“When I am anxious, but I know there are adults who I can talk to.” Hope is alive and well in the youth at JAM. Praise God!
As one year ends, and a new year begins, we often find ourselves reflecting on our hopes. I encourage you to ask yourself the same questions we wondered about at JAM.
We ended our discussion by wondering about what it means to be a “people of hope.” We know that Christmas isn’t the end of the story. Jesus is born and baptized and begins God’s kingdom work here on Earth. So as you enter a new year, how can you put your hopes into action? What work can you do to bring those hopes one step closer to reality?
– Faith Kemmler