My Friends,
The Pastor Nominating Committee will be making a recommendation for the Senior Pastor for Westminster Presbyterian Church at the congregational meeting on November 1.
The candidate will preach the sermon, and the PNC will present the terms of call and share their thoughts on why this person is the one whom they believe God has called to serve with you.
As I said in my very first sermon here, “Success is not measured by how quickly a minister is called; success is measured by how the time is well spent in calling the minister God has chosen.”
Pending the approval of their recommendation, my last day in the office will be Friday, December 11, and my last Sunday with you will be December 13.
I appreciate your kind words and generous spirit over the last 20 months that made me feel at home, and I will be forever grateful.
It was a privilege and honor to be part of this gifted and dedicated staff at WPC. I valued their leadership and support as we worked together during this time of transition.
I am grateful for the work of the Pastor Nominating Committee, and I am excited for you as you begin this new path on your journey of faith.
I will keep you all in my prayers, and you will always have a special place in my heart.
With love and blessings,
Bruce Lancaster