We thank Janis Davis who recently stepped off of our committee for her many years of support for the endowment. She recently provided the committee with a history of the fund from the humble beginnings in 1995, the growing support from senior pastors and the congregation, the growth strategy under Dr. Stuart Broberg in 2004-2005, and the additions to the fund from the New Cornfield and Forward in Faith capital campaigns. A $500,000 endowment in 1995 is now around $4.4 million. We are all very fortunate that the fund was large enough to extend the $1.3 million loan to the church two years ago. Thank you to the donors for all of the generous gifts to the endowment over these years. God has truly blessed Westminster.
At the present, the fund is comprised of three parts:
Undesignated Corpus: $3,075,000 (appr.)
Balance of Loan to the Church: $1,031,000 (appr.)
Special Gifts: $261,000 (appr.)
Per our charter, we can make grants of 4% of the total of the undesignated corpus and the loan balance – about $160,000 in distributions for 2022. These distributions can be used to support programs which will expand Westminster's Christian ministry or the community at large, non-recurring capital projects, and short-term needs to start or revitalize ministries. We accept applications by March 31, and make recommendations on the distributions to Session for approval at their April meeting.
Our special gifts funds are another way for donors to give money to the endowment. Over the years, generous gifts have been extended for these funds which include Special Property Needs, McClintock Library Fund, Kitchen Maintenance, Music & Fine Arts, Archives, Senior Ministers/Pulpit Exchange, Chapel Organ, and Outreach.
Pictured below is a project funded with a gift from the Special Property Needs Fund. The South Courtyard/Columbarium restoration project was badly needed by the church and paid for from this source of money.

Please consider a donation to the endowment or include it in your planned giving. If you have questions, please contact me, Jo Forrest, or any member of our committee.
Rob Wagner